Hungate receives no core funding and relies solely on donations. It costs over £1,000 a month to keep Hungate open to the public, which encompasses running costs for our beautiful medieval church, utility bills and rent. We are run entirely by volunteers and have no paid staff. Your support would enable us to keep our doors open for exhibitions and public events from March to November, and ensure public access remains free. Additionally your support would allow us to expand our successful programme of outreach events, to include family workshops, study days with local schools, concerts with local choirs and musicians, film screenings and a public lecture programme.
We are seeking 100 local angels for Hungate – individuals, companies or organisations – to donate £100. For each donation we will add the name or company logo to our angel artwork on display at the entrance to Hungate.
If you would like to become a Hungate Angel, please fill out this form, and either scan and email it to or print and post it to The Treasurer, Hungate Medieval Art, Princes Street, Norwich NR3 1AE: