Opening Saturday 30th September 2023
Bowls in a Fragile World
by Debra Shipley.
These delicate bowls are made from junk mail and household packaging, every one of them is polluted with unwanted chemicals and plastic. The bowl shape is a symbolic reminder that the poorest around the globe are suffering the most from pollution and climate change. Created specifically for Hungate, which is situated near the River Wensum which ultimately flows into the North Sea, the bowls incorporate seaweed, sand and pebbles which focus attention on water pollution. When you look into the bowls you will see specks of plastic and coloured laminate along with fragments of print. You are then invited to take time to think about climate change and take whatever action you are able. The bowls on display in Hungate are part of a multi-venue installation by the artist, Debra Shipley, called “Bowls In A Fragile World”. Collectively they are a comment on global pollution and climate change. They are currently on display in London, Norwich and Derbyshire. The artist welcomes approaches to display these not-for-sale works of art which carry a vitally important message – the poorest around the world are suffering the most.
In celebration of Hungate’s historic site, the artist has also made a large bowl which incorporated seed pods from our garden. Follow the artist Debra Shipley on Instagram debra.artist